Sunday, January 10, 2010

Loan mod attempts to be required

By spring you will see homeowners most likely being required to attempt a loan modification prior to having a short sale approved. Yet even the most aggressive numbers show us that less than 10% of loan mods attempted succeed long term. Get ahead of the curve, study and see how you can help the greatest # of people.
What will that do to the already painfully slow process of getting a short sale completed?

Let's do the math:
4-6 months for loan mod attempt (many are longer)
+ 6-12 months for short sale process (many are longer)
= enduring the suffering for longer and longer and longer can help you to minimize this by allowing many people to spend less than $150 and in most cases a few hours to rule out the loan mod option, then property can be listed for sale with offer received and negotiation beginning immediately.