Thursday, August 20, 2009

Dangers to our Economy

Is anyone concerned about what the media, the politicians and the average American are not currently focused on? Have any of you noticed that this month the debate is about Health Care Reform and last month it was about Cap and Trade and the month before that it revolved around Card Check? Have you noticed a trend that as we focus on what the flavor of the month may be, there is another government/media hand conducting business on another issue?

As we debate about Health Care Reform this month, don't forget about these other issues, as well as, topics that have yet to be deeply discussed. The Czars that the Obama Administration has chosen to run wild in our Republic add a scary element to this avalanche style government project to overhall our country.

Other big issues with huge implications for our future and our freedom include:

The regulation of conservative talk radio. If Obama's FCC Czar has his way he will require more frequent licensing renewals for radio stations and will require that more local and diverse parties share their views on the radio. The reason for this is obvious, where the "left" have a voice in the print media, the "right" have theirs' with the radio waves. If the government can silence their voice, people like Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity, what do you think they can do to you? How would they be able to regulate your freedoms, your "freedom" of speech, and your ability to earn an income and how can you protect against that government infiltration?

Another huge and very unknown threat to our freedoms is the current use of Shariah Law in our financial industry. Shariah Law, a law that governs the extremist of the Muslim faith allows for men to beat their wives, the stoning death of rape victims and the complete brutal rule of man over women. Shariah Law also requires that Muslims pay no interest on investments and requires any investment to fit their requirements under this law. That means, these investments can not include the pork industry, the alcohol industry and many other industries. The problem with this, is the fact that companies like HSBC, DowJones and others have hired a board of Muslim extremist, self proclaimed terrorist sympathizers and activits, to run and over see these investments. The money used in these investments is linked to terror groups all over the world and the more we allow Shariah Law to infilitrate our financial industry the more control these terrorists will have over our economy and ultimately our freedom. What do you think will happen to companies like HSBC and others the worse the ecomony gets? Will they reject these Muslim groups on the premise of what is moral and right, or will these greedy companies chase this money in order to make a buck in this struggling economy? Please also understand that state governments are starting to support this principle of allowing Sharia Law to dictate investing. In Minnesota, the government has authorized the use of "special" Shariah endorsed mortgages that allow Muslims to buy homes without paying interest. How scary? **important side note, the governor of Minnesota is Tim Pawlenty and he will probably run for president in 2012 for the Republicans. Can we really afford to have someone who supports this conduct to be our next president?

Other important issues, not including the Health Care debate is Cap and Tax, I mean Cap and Trade. Also Card Check, the desire for the government to reduce defense spending and the belief system of these Liberal Progressives. I strongly encourage you to read books, such as, Catastrophe by Dick Morris, American Progressivism by Ronald Pestritto, and most importantly the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. Get to know your history, your rights, and what this Republic is all about. Be a voice and do not allow the corruption on both sides of the isle distract you from the truth and real issues that we face today. When the government is talking health care reform, or Cap and Trade, with their right hand look to see what their left hand is doing. See through the distraction, because if government truly wanted to create "change" they would not make everything so complicated.

Think about it. I can fit the entire Constitution and Declaration of Independence in my back pocket. The creation of our whole Republic, a very daunting and complicated task, can easily be read and understood in a matter of hours or at least days. Why? Was it because they were not articulate and educate or was it rather because they wanted every American to easily understand what freedoms and rights they had? Why do you think a single bill these days is over 1000 pages and 5 to 10 pounds in weight? If the two documents that provided our Freedom and Rights on Earth can be so simply written, why can't they all? Don't you think if the government truly cared about the people, they would simplify the process? And more importantly, are we as Americans and as the boss of these Congressmen and Senators going to continue to allow this to happen? I used to be a party guy, not a wild party animal but a supporter of the GOP, now I label myself as conservatively independent. I have chosen to support what is right and who follows the Constitution. Are you going to continue to be a "party" person or are you finally going to focus on what is best for the Republic regardless of which party or individual endorses or invents the idea?