Thursday, December 15, 2011
For those of you who want to wait until spring (again) to sell...
Do you know why foreclosure filings are at a new low?
Do you think it's because foreclosures have gone away OR perhaps because lenders are now required to follow the rules and are no longer cutting corners (at least not as much as before)?
Would that mean that lenders are slowing down, making sure the i's are dotted and the t's are crossed before foreclosing?
Once the i's are dotted and the t's are crossed on the backlog of foreclosures, do you think the lenders will want to wait and hold on to the properties OR quickly dump them on the market to cut their losses?
So now that you've given it some thought...does waiting to compete with more and more supply and selling for less money really sound like a good financial decision?
Click on the title above or the link below to review the entire CNBC article.
IF only headlins were true...
After reading this and realizing that most people will in fact only read the headline, I asked our real estate expert Kirk Nace for his take on this and this is what he had to say. "We are seeing foreclosure activity initiated on approximately 250,000 properties per month. That's a 3 million properties per year pace. Now that NAR is admitting that their sales numbers have been off you will see that there are only about 3 million sales per year. What does that mean? Banks are foreclosing on approximately 60,000 properties per month. What is happening to the rest? Is the backlog just growing and growing and growing? What does that mean for future supply? And for prices?"
Click on the title above or the link below to review the entire CNBC article.
1 + 1 = 5?
Click on the title above or the link below to review the entire CNBC article.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Are we there yet???
So with next year just a few weeks away we asked Kirk Nace for his take..."The AVERAGE loan in foreclosure (not yet foreclosed on) has been delinquent 631 days!!! Set aside all the nonsense NAR, your politicians and others tell you and simply consider how long it will take to get caught up at this pace! As I have shared for several years now, the bottom of the housing market nationally will NOT occur before the 2nd half of 2016 at the absolute earliest!!!"
Click on the title above or the link below to review the entire CNBC article.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Yep, it's going to be better by the weekend...right?
Click on the title above or the link below to review the entire CNBC article.
Only 858 days for banks to foreclose...
Click on the title above or the link below to review the entire AARP article.
New mortgage foreclosure notices jump to highest level in 4+ years...
For sometime now, Kirk Nace has been sharing that the US Housing market will not hit a bottom before 4Q 2015. Looks like he has been wrong, as it won't occur until at least the second half of 2016.
Click on the title above or the link below to review the entire CNBC article.
Half of US homes effectively under water!!!
Click on the title above or the link below to review the entire CNBC article.
Foreclosure rain delay ending...
Click on the title above or the link below to review the entire CNBC article.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
No Rise Until 2020???? Are you serious??
Yep, probably. If you read this entire article, “No Rise in Home Prices Until 2020: Bankers” it sounds like a big F*** YOU to all the sellers who’ve been patiently waiting for the “market to get better”. If I had a penny for every time I heard that, I’d have a lot of pennies! I even hear it from other real estate agents – I hear them TELL folks things all the time. Such as “it’s a great time to buy and it’s a great time to sell”, all in the same breath. And of course, this is because their mindset is solely on themselves and how they’re going to feed their family – i.e. the commission they will make from telling you what to do because their livelihood depends upon it.
But take a closer look at that article, and you’ll realize we (RORG) have been sharing this for years. Actually, my partner Kirk Nace has been sharing this for years, which is why we are now partners. His analysis is the most accurate and in depth from anything I’ve seen. And now I get to share it with you – what it means, where the opportunities are, how you can maximize on the potential, and how you can use that analysis to your benefit. If you go back through this site, Smashed Feet, you will find news articles and Nace's analysis, sharing this EXACT concept. The problem is - very few have been willing to accept the reality.
The law of supply and demand is much like the law of gravity – it exists even if you choose to ignore it. So is this article a surprise?? There’s more supply than demand – simple. What does more supply and less demand do to prices?
Do you need to maximize your equity preservation in your property? We can and will purchase it, at whatever number you want. We can and will show you how that might not be the best choice. We can and will show you the options you have. We can and will find the maximum dollars available for your property in 10-20 days. We can and will bring you several offers, typically above the listing price, in that 10-20 days.
You always have a choice. You can contact the agents (about 97% of them) that will tell you what you want to hear; heck, I’ll even refer you TO those agents. (You’re welcome for the referrals, agents!) … OR you can contact us if you want different results.
So why haven’t you called us yet? Maybe the market needs to beat you up a little more … The choice is yours.
Get in touch at ...
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Monday, August 29, 2011
A look into the future...
Click on the title above or the link below to review the entire Orange County Register article.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Banks still at it...
Click on the title above or the link below to review the entire New York Post article.
Say goodbye to the "good ol' days"
Monday, August 8, 2011
A look back to 2001...
Click the link below to watch the short video.
Friday, August 5, 2011
What do the numbers really mean?
Click on the title above or the link below to review the entire CNBC article.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
A crystal ball into the United States' financial future?
Click on the title above or the link below to review the entire CNBC article.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
A picture is worth a thousand words...
Unless of course you are talking about the US debt. Then a picture is worth $114,500,000,000,000.00 words.
Click on the title above or the link below to review just how much the US debt really is.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
It's my right...I'm American!
"As a nation we have created the situation we now face over many decades of irresponsible choices. Accepting responsibility is a must. Those who have allowed this situation to exist for the longest period of time, should bear the greatest responsibility. Those who have had less opportunity to change it should bear a lesser responsibility.
We reach voting age at 18, someone who is now 68 has had 50 years during which they have allowed this situation to come into being and during which they received the benefits of their choices to date. Someone who is 28 has had only 1/5 that time and therefore should be held only 1/5 as responsible.
Connecting a person's age to the amount of debt incurred under their watch, and then attaching that to the benefits they receive (SSI, Medicare, Welfare, etc) and/or the taxes they pay could certainly be worked out in a very simple, across the board manner.
ie. you were born in 1955, here is your responsibility, period. It impacts your taxes this way ____, it impacts your government sponsored benefits this way ___. You could potentially tie this to estates, etc as well.
Obviously, there is no perfect plan that all will readily accept. This approach however would allow a democracy to act as one and to clearly demonstrate that the individuals within such a nation have a responsibility.
I have shared this concept with clients for a number of years and have yet to hear a single credible objection. Of course the reality is, our older citizenry will be held responsible for more at precisely a time when they are feeling entitled to more. Well folks, they've already got theirs. They voted it to themselves already and have in fact stolen from their future generations. Now is simply the time when we are forced to right those wrongs and to take back much of what we have come to feel entitled to.
We have lost our edge because we have elected to spend our wealth in ways other than reinvesting in education. We are now at a competitive disadvantage to many other nations when it comes to our ability to out think and thereby prosper. This is one of many choices made by those who now want to collect Pensions, SSI, Medicare and all the other nonsensical entitlements that they feel they should receive simply because they live here.
You are still here, accept responsibility for bringing the entire nation here, and if you must live frugally for the balance of your days, that will perhaps still allow you to teach future generations that choices made truly do have consequences."
Supply and Demand still applies...
Click on the title above or the link below to review the entire CNBC article.
Monday, July 25, 2011
No Way Eh...
Click on the title above or the link below to review the entire CNBC article.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
You didn't really think they would stop did you???
Click on the title above or the link below to review the entire CNBC article.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Something to think about
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Are you ready for another 20% price drop and a 2012 recession?
Click on the title above or the link below to review the entire Yahoo Finance article.
Bill Gross further negative on US economic future
Click on the title above or the link below to review the entire CNBC article.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Friday, July 8, 2011
The Perfect Storm?
Click on the title above or the link below to review the entire CNBC article.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
You don't's different here
Click on the title above or the link below to review the entire Daily Wealth article.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
What gives America???
So with that said, what are we as Americans doing about this? Why, we are addressing this in the "American Way" of course. We are pointing fingers at others and passing the blame onto somebody else...watching our favorite reality TV shows, eating a couple Big Mac's, large fries, and a small diet Coke of course (after all, we do care about our health).
What is Greece doing about this? The people of Greece have gotten up off their butt's and have let the world know that enough is enough. Now I'm not suggesting or encouraging violence, but how is it Greece is saying "NO MORE" and America continues to play the blame game??? Does it really matter if it's yours, mine, his or hers fault? Does that change the fact that we are in the shape we're in?
What IF...the State and Federal Governments can't agree on a budget and they shut down or default on their debts? What IF...we the citizens of the USA graciously accepted any shut down or defaults on debts as EVERY single elected officials immediate resignation for either being unwilling or unable to do the job we the people have hired them to do? What IF...these now former elected officials had to go out and find a new job, one perhaps in the improved job market they have been telling us all about? What IF...these former elected officials no longer received the perks and benefits they now enjoy, but instead receive the same "perks" as the rest of know, the really really good ones from the improved job market? What IF...America stopped waiting for someone else to "do it"?
Click on the title above or the link below to review the photos of the unrest in Greece. Please note that some of these photos may be considered graphic and or disturbing and should be viewed at your own discretion.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Is it really this bad???
Click on the title above or the link below to review the entire CNBC article.
Friday, June 10, 2011
I know of one expert who has a clue...
Mr. Nace shared that "The earliest we will possibly see a bottom will be the fourth quarter of 2015. This could of course be pushed out by another decade if our elected officials continue to meddle with the market. This bottom is AT LEAST 25-30% below prices as they exist here in June 2011. In some markets there will be an even greater future correction. Upon reaching this elusive bottom, we will bump along for years, at least 5-10, before slowly coming back. Reality is that prices would not return to peak levels before 2040 at the earliest. I say 'would' because there will be no US housing prices at that point. I have constantly been considered too extreme, so I suppose this is as good a time as any to again remind you that I don't expect US housing prices to ever get back to the levels where they traded during the peak because before that will occur I still fully expect the US to follow the path of The FORMER USSR and become The FORMER United States of America. States all send more tax dollars to Washington DC than they receive benefits for. Almost every state is operating at a deficit and its citizens will eventually recognize that sending $100 billion per year to Washington DC in exchange for $20 billion per year in benefits is simply bad math, particularly when you are operating at a deficit to begin with! The federal government has obligations it simply can't meet and if, or as I believe when, there ceases to be a federal government countries like China, Germany and others will be left with worthless paper and no one to collect from as the 5-10 smaller nations that will be formed when the USA collapses will not assume that debt. So if you are asking about US housing prices, they will continue to drop, probably bottoming well below where they are today and will certainly be a continued drag on the US economy, until there no longer is a US economy."
Click on the title above or the link below to review the entire CNBC article.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Are you ready to sell yet???
Click on the title above or the link below to review the entire CNBC article.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
5 Reasons US home sales will continue to fall through 2012 – sound familiar?
Click on the title above or the link below to review the entire Business Insider article.
Monday, May 9, 2011
The crash is getting worse???
Click on the title above or the link below to review the entire Yahoo Finance article.
Negative equity???
Click on the title above or the link below to review the entire CNBC article.
Double Dip...
Click on the title above or the link below to review the entire CNBC article.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
America has been the world's largest economic power for as long as anyone can remember, and that could change within the next five years.
Click on the title above or the link below to review the entire Yahoo Finance article.
How much is this going to cost???
I'm as shocked by this as you companies not following the rules???
Click on the title above or the link below to review the entire Yahoo News article.
Who is "Linda Green"?
Click on the title above or the link below to review the entire Yahoo News article and 60 Minutes video.
Prices are falling???
I don't know about you, but I am glad the recession is over, or we might be in some serious trouble...
Click on the title above or the link below to review the entire Yahoo Finance article.
More contracts signed means...
Click on the title above or the link below to review the entire Yahoo Finance article.
Sell now or get less later...
So, what choice will you make?
Click on the title above or the link below to review the entire Yahoo Finance article.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Wall. Street. Shut. Down.
What do you think?
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Some Dream...
Click on the title above or the link below to review the entire CNBC article.
Monday, April 4, 2011
Selling your home?
Click on the title above or the link below to review the entire Reuters article.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
One, Two, Three...PULL
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Never own a home???
Click on the title above or the link below to review the entire Yahoo Finance article.
New homes a bad deal???
Click on the title above or the link below to review the entire Yahoo Finance article.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Well done piece on supply and demand in housing market.
Click on the title above or the link below to review the entire CNBC article.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Does ANYONE in real estate think?
The above is taken directly from the website of one of the largest real estate companies in the country. This press release was published intentionally by the leadership of one of the nation’s larger, more successful and relatively speaking better, real estate companies. Let’s take a look at what they are so proud of:
30% more agents, great growth can be wonderful!
40% more offices – why does an increase of 30% in people require 40% more offices? Doesn’t this speak to inefficiency in expansion and unnecessary overhead expense?
21% more closed units – so 30% increase in agents and only 21% more business? Doesn’t this tell us that the per agent production is dropping? Should we be proud of the fact that our agents are on average getting worse and producing less?
11% more closed GCI – this is the Gross Commission Income. According to this company's own report, they have increased the people who split up the income by 30% but only increased the income by 11% - congratulations you are now getting an even smaller piece of the pie!
My intention is to not pick on this particular company, but to instead point out how rare it is for people in and around the real estate field to actually stop and think. To allow those thoughts to turn into ideas and for those ideas to then create meaningful changes.
The company highlighted above obviously believes that more offices and more agents are important. Do you think the public would prefer that someone focus on creating more competent, more professional agents, and quite possibly fewer of them?
Since its inception The RESULTS Group has focused on assisting a select few in becoming more skilled, more competent, more professional and better able to truly serve their clients. There is no fluff, no warm and fuzzy, no rah rah, just a commitment to create more competency. What if a company as large and influential as the one noted above adopted this approach?
Want to know the truly ironic part? The company above promotes itself as a training and education based company and yet according to their own numbers, their agents are doing less and less business in an environment where more and more buyers and sellers are desperately seeking the help of competent professionals.
Is there a place for thinking in the real estate field?
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
A hard look at US Housing Market Supply and Demand
Monday, February 28, 2011
Fewer Americans view home ownership positively...
Click on the title above or the link below to review the entire Reuters article.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
NAR may have overstated sales by close to 30% in 2010???
Click on the title above or the link below to review the entire CNBC article.
The numbers are bad???
Click on the title above or the link below to review the Bloomberg video.
Home prices still falling...
Click on the title above or the link below to review the entire CNBC article.
Wake's not a Dream
Click on the title above or the link below to review the entire Fox News article.
Take your time...
Click on the title above or the link below to review the entire USA Today article.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Details of the recently reported housing numbers paint another picture
Many, many, many more foreclosures are coming
Well done piece on the mortgage interest deduction
Winners and losers of housing finance reform
Do you still want to wait for prices to drop before you buy?
"Oh no, I'm going to finance of course."
Imagine a few months ago you found "The One" the home that had it all and IF you took action back then you could have locked in at around 4% interest for 30 years, and let's say your payment would have been $1,000 a month (to keep the math simple).
Good news, you decided to wait to "save money" and the home dropped it's price $15,000. Now rates are up around 5% which is only a 25% increase in your cost to borrow. Your new monthly payment is $1,250 per month. So to save $15,000 it will now cost you an additional $90,000 over the next 30 years ($250 x 12 = $3,000 x 30 = $90,000). What happens when the rates go to 6% or 7% or higher? At what point will this home become unaffordable?
So I'm much longer do you want to wait for the bottom?
Click on the title above or the link below to review the entire Yahoo Finance article.
4th quarter 2010 shows largest housing value drop in 2+ years!
Click on the title above or the link below to review the entire Housingwire article.
Apparently, it is coming...
Click on the title above or the link below to review the entire Reuters and Bloomberg articles.
DC is the Best Office Real Estate Market in US - Oh Crap!
Does that mean the government is likely cutting back or growing?
Does that mean even more taxpayer dollars are being thrown away on big government?
How do you feel about that?
I'm pissed!
Since the current administration took office in Jan 2009:
We have seen our debt grow by over 40%
We have seen more Americans out of work than ever in our history
We have more people accepting food stamps than ever in our history
and yet DC and Wall St are booming
How long will you be okay with this?
My friend, Kirk Nace, has long said that we are a nation of followers, afraid to think, afraid to question and willing to just follow along as long as someone else takes care of us, and things are "good enough" because we are apathetic and almost uniformly feel entitled to so much that we haven't earned. Can he be right about yet another oh so ugly reality? Please tell me no.
Monday, February 7, 2011
We've been telling you it's coming...
Click on the title above or the link below to review the entire Reuters article.
Friday, February 4, 2011
A do-it-yourself project
Click on the title above or the link below to review the entire CNBC article.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
CNBC on the state of the US housing market
Click on the title above or the link below to view the CNBC video.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Wall Street Journal article on home ownership rates in the US.
Click on the title above or the link below to review the entire Wall Street Journal article.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Government to allow 11 month extension on "no flipping" rules
Click on the title above or the link below to review the entire Reuters article.
Is it still the "American Dream"?
Click on the title above or the link below to review the entire USA Today article.
Friday, January 28, 2011
"a number of years"
Click on the links below to review the entire CNBC & Bloomberg Businessweek articles.
No Federal bailout of States
What happens when individual and families can't or don't pay their bills?
What happens when companies don't or can't pay their bills?
What happens when small local governments can't pay their bills?
What happens when state governments can't pay their bills?
What happens when the federal government can't pay it's bills?
Think in terms of who suffers, future borrowing costs and availability of money/credit, precedents set and the like."
Click on the title above or the link below to review the entire Yahoo News article.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Things are getting better . . . right CA?
I had the opportunity earlier this month to be the speaker for The CA Desert Assoc of Realtors Annual Kick off event. The crowd was only a few hundred and I find it fascinating that fewer than 10% were willing to grasp the message and the reality of their situation. The remaining 90%+ were upset and offended.
Another report was released today on consumer confidence. It stated that consumer confidence rose more than expected last month and now stands at an 8 month high. We continue to see people celebrating a "recovery." Yet if we stop and think about the reasons for the apparent "recovery" we will see that things aren't quite as we would like to believe they are.
Sure, retail spending is up and we are saving a little more than in the past. Of course, when millions of Americans aren't paying their mortgage, taxes, insurance and the like it would make sense that they can spend more!
Although I haven't yet seen the official numbers, I believe we will see December record the 20th consecutive month that the number of Americans on food stamps has grown over the previous month - 20 CONSECUTIVE MONTHS!!!
Yep, things are getting better, or perhaps we are becoming dumber?
Good news is that there are plenty of competent informed professionals out there who are not only knowledgeable and skilled but who are committed to helping others who all too often are finding themselves in difficult situations. If you need to know how to find one, email
Be well, it is after all a choice
Monday, January 24, 2011
A market rebound far off???
Click on the title above or the link below to review the entire Gulf Coast Business Review article.
State Bankruptcy?
Click on the title above or the link below to review the entire New York Times article.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Welcome to the New Real Estate Reality!
Did you do it?
Let's look at some of the article's highlights:
* The number of people who bought previously owned homes last year fell to the lowest level in 13 years, and economists say it will be years before the housing market fully recovers. MY FRIEND AND FREQUENT CONTRIBUTOR HERE OUCH! (KIRK NACE) HAS BEEN SHARING THIS FOR OVER 5 YEARS AND YET SOMEHOW IT'S STILL NEWS???
* High unemployment and a record number of foreclosures are deterring potential buyers who fear home prices haven't reached the bottom NO REALLY, FEAR IS STOPPING PEOPLE FROM TAKING ACTION? WHEN WILL THE FEAR GO AWAY?
* "We built too many houses during the boom, and now after the crash, it will take us a long time to get back to normal," said David Wyss, chief economist at Standard & Poor's in New York. SO IT'S A SUPPLY AND DEMAND ISSUE? DEMAND IS LOW BECAUSE OF FEARS THAT WON'T DISAPPEAR ANYTIME SOON AND SUPPLY EXISTS, IT ISN'T GOING AWAY UNLESS GOD FORBID WE SUFFER NATURAL DISASTERS (ASK THE FOLKS IN NEW ORLEANS ABOUT THAT OPTION)
* "The job market is still very weak, and unemployment is very high. Until we get more jobs, people will be reticent about buying homes," INTERPRETATION -> DEMAND IS GOING TO STAY LOW
* Zandi (chief economist at Moody's Analytics) said home prices would fall another 5 percent this year. Sales of previously occupied homes would likely exceed 5 million. That's a slight improvement from last year, he said, but it will probably take until 2013 or 2014 for sales to reach a healthy level of 6 million units a year.SO WITH SUPPLY AT AN ALL TIME HIGH AND DEMAND EXPECTED TO TAKE ANOTHER 3+ YEARS TO RISE BY JUST 20% (4.91 MILLION IN 2010) IT'S LOOKING LIKE PRICES WILL CONTINUE TO DECLINE FOR AT LEAST ANOTHER 4-5+ YEARS . . . I'VE HEARD THIS SOMEWHERE BEFORE (READ THE OLDER ENTRIES ON THIS SITE FOLKS)
* Still, the unemployment rate is not expected to fall much below 9 percent this year. And the housing market cannot fully recover until the glut of foreclosed homes is cleared. Last year, a record 1 million homes were lost to foreclosures, and foreclosure tracker RealtyTrac Inc. predicts 1.2 million more will be lost this year.HOW WILL THE GLUT BE CLEARED WHEN 2010'S FORECLOSED HOMES (THE MOST EVER) AREN'T BACK ON THE MARKET YET AND FORECLOSURES ARE EXPECTED TO INCREASE ANOTHER 20% THIS YEAR???
We built too many homes
We have several years worth of inventory and shadow inventory currently available
This supply is still growing, rapidly
Demand is low because of fear
Unemployment and other causes of the fear aren't going away anytime soon
Kirk Nace's projections (that he has shared with some of us for many, many years) are looking more accurate all the time . . . prices bottom between 2015 and 2020 and then stay flat for a decade of more.
Of course he does tell us that the longer the government meddles in the market the more this pain will be extended. I've known him for a long time, and he can be incredibly annoying, but folks, the reality is becoming more and more difficult to ignore.
Any questions?
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Fixing the mortgage market?
Click on the title above or the link below to review the entire AEI article.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Pay to the order of Uncle Sam...
Click on the title above or the link below to review the entire Yahoo News article.
US Housing market with another 50% decline still to come?
Click on the title above or the link below to review the entire Market Oracle article.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
No really...THIS time it's getting better...
Click on the title above or the link below to review the entire Yahoo Finance article.
Municipal Bond defaults?
Click on the title above or the link below to review the entire CNBC article.
And the hits just keep coming
Click on the title above or the link below to review the entire New York Post article.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
More on the recent MA Supreme Court ruling...
Click on the title above or the link below to review the entire CNBC article.
MA Supreme Court ruling...
Click on the title above or the link below to review the entire article.
Whats another 4 or 5 years?
Click on the title above or the link below to review the entire CNBC article.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
WOW - underestimates on mortgage mess???
Click on the title above or the link below to review the entire CNBC article.
Baby Boomer Bust
To access one of many great articles on how the economy is impacting Baby Boomers.
For most, there is no boom, just a huge bust. In general they are disappointed and disgusted, they can't afford to retire and live the life they were promised. How did this happen? Glad you asked:
1 They were irresponsible in that they allowed their elected officials to consistently rob from Peter to pay Paul.
2 They enjoyed the moment without thinking of the future. Have you seen the movie "Ants?" Baby Boomers lived as grasshoppers, they were the all powerful biggest population group ever. Everyone needed to tend, or cater, to their needs - yeah, how did that work out?
3 They bought into the hype that children are ENTITLED to a better life than their parents. Of course theirs were the parents who created this myth. Having survived the 1st Great Depression, parents of the baby boomers swore that their kids would never suffer the way they had suffered during the 1st depression, so they gave baby boomers more than they had earned. This of course taught baby boomers that this is what parents do, so the baby boomers then did the same with their children.
4 They turned over responsibility for their well being to others. To the companies they worked for, to their government, to an army of financial types all of whom claimed to have their best interests at heart . . . they have now learned that talk is cheap and they should have looked over their financial well being themselves.
5 They looked the other way - repeatedly. It's impossible to mention all the times and places where, as a nation, we looked the other way because it was easier. Now, and for decades to come, we will pay the price for this.
I hold no animosity for the baby boomers, they didn't plot to maliciously harm others (and themselves in the process.) Instead they were simply lazy . . . like most of the rest of the Sheeple in the US today.
What's the answer? Another great question. We could do what this country did in the 30's and 40's - roll up our sleeves and go to work rebuilding. Honestly, I doubt that as a nation we have the fortitude to undertake and succeed with such a plan. So reality will most likely prove to be that the US, or in the future the pieces that it becomes, will drop to a second tier country and we as a mass of sheeple learn to settle because it will be easier.
Where do you see things going?
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Got A Pension Plan? Are You Sure?
Just last week we posted an article about the town of Prichard, Alabama. IF you haven't already read it, go back and do so and see how the unthinkable happened. Then click on the title above or the link below to review the entire Yahoo Finance article and see if your pension plan is in trouble.
Want Multiple Offers???
Click on the title above or the link below to review the entire Star Tribune article.
Market taking longer to absorb foreclosed properties
Click on the title above or the link below to review the entire MarketWatch article.
100,000 foreclosures in January?
Click on the title above or the link below to review the entire NPR article.
The LAW of Supply and Demand as applied to real estate
Monday, January 3, 2011
So Simple a caveman could understand:
Finally there were too many old investors and not enough money from new investors coming in to keep the payments going.
Next thing you know Madoff is one of the most hated men in America and he is off to jail. Some of you know this, but not enough of you.
Madoff did to his investors what the government has been doing to us for over 70 years with Social Security. There is no meaningful difference between the two schemes, except that one was operated by a private individual who is now in jail, and the other is operated by politicians who enjoy perks, privileges and status in spite of their actions.
Do you need a side-by-side comparison here?
BERNIE MADOFF = Takes money from investors with the promise that the money will be invested and made available to them later.
SOCIAL SECURITY = Takes money from wage earners with the promise that the money will be invested in a "Trust Fund" and made available later.
BERNIE MADOFF = Instead of investing the money Madoff spends it on nice homes in the Hamptons and yachts.
SOCIAL SECURITY = Instead of depositing money in a Trust Fund the politicians use it for general spending and vote buying.
BERNIE MADOFF = When the time comes to pay the investors back Madoff simply uses some of the new funds from newer investors to pay back the older investors.
SOCIAL SECURITY = When benefits for older investors become due the politicians pay them with money taken from younger and newer wage earners to pay the geezers.
BERNIE MADOFF = When Madoffs scheme is discovered all hell breaks loose. New investors won't give him any more cash.
SOCIAL SECURITY = When Social Security runs out of money they simply force the taxpayers to send them some more.
BERNIE MADOFF = is in jail.
POLITICIANS = remain in Washington.
The taxpayer: "That's someone who works for the federal government but doesn't have to take the civil service examination." - Ronald Reagan
"If you put the federal government in charge of the Sahara Desert, in five years there'd be a shortage of sand." - Milton Friedman