Sunday, November 13, 2011

Half of US homes effectively under water!!!

We contacted national analyst and consultant Kirk Nace for his take on this new report, "This is, has been and will continue to be an ongoing downward spiral for as long as politicians continue to tack on band aid after band aid. As I have shared with clients for many years, the key to a true bottom remains the government completely getting totally out of the housing market. No more backstops, no more artificially low interest rates, no more low and no money down programs. Simply stop, prices will correct another 20-25% overnight and create a true bottom. The alternative that our elected officials seem hell bent on creating is to cause even more pain spread over an even longer period of time. There will be more pain to come, dragging it out over an indefinite period of time only prolongs the length of time before healing can begin." Said Nace in his typical non apologetic manner.

Click on the title above or the link below to review the entire CNBC article.