Friday, February 27, 2009

What can we expect over the next several years?

Start by making a note to go back and read the entry posted on September 14, 2008. See if anything projected there has come to pass. Then read on here, as this entry is going to be direct and will not sugar coat what we feel our future will hold.

If you want to remain part of the masses – or should we say asses, we suggest you get permanently stoned, drunk or high in some way as to numb the pain you will most assuredly feel over the next decade plus. If you want to be part of the solution, and you realize that in order to do so you must educate and inform yourself thereby enhancing your ability to think, first of all “Thank you!” Secondly, read on . . .

In 2009 we will see . . .
An epidemic of people walking away from their debt obligations, this will result in at least 50-80% of all residential mortgages going into default. The rate will be higher for credit card loans, and other consumer debt, but not until 2010 and beyond;
The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) dip below 6,0000;
More pension funds collapse and people NOT receiving the money they feel they need to live on during their retirement years;
More rioting around the world, perhaps the first US riots;

By the end of 2010 we will see . . .
US rioting where the National Guard is used to dismiss unhappy citizens who have finally awakened and are feeling “screwed;”
Gold at or above $2500/ounce;
More and more Americans realizing that owning real estate makes less sense than renting it;
True investors surfacing to buy US real estate at numbers where the gross monthly rental income is at least 1.25% of the purchase price in the best locations in the country, this number will be well in excess of 3-5% in less desirable areas;
US commercial real estate markets start to collapse;
The US government involved in hundreds, possibly thousands of businesses deemed “critical” to our way of life;
A formal acknowldegement that we are in a severe global depression;
Dozens more "Madoff" type schemes uncovered;
Other countries taking over as global powers;

By 2014 we will have seen . . .
US mortgage requiring 25-50% down with interest rates at 20% or above;
US real estate values reaching a bottom of at least 35%+ lower than where they are in February of 2009;
Fewer than 600,000 Realtors in the US;
US healthcare costs no longer able to be met as the more habits created over the past many years have now led to unprecedented levels of cancer, heart disease, and the like;
Social Security, welfare and other nationalized programs fail;
The US dollar collapse;
The global financial markets paralyzed, collapsed and in a state of complete chaos;
Unemployment in the US in excess of 15% this could easily by 20%+;
Inflation in excess of 12%;
President Obama, through none of his own doing, go down in history as the worst US President as he happened to be in office during this collapse. Reality is he may turn out to be among the best, but with the worst timing imaginable . . . sadly, he may also prove to be the last US President;
China and India as the dominant manufacturing, military and intellectual nations in the world.

By 2020 we will have seen . . .
A few, probably not more than 3, major global currencies;
A new nation, or nations, formed from the remains of the United States where people have started to go back to basic human values of family, honesty, fairness, loyalty, love, happiness, and so on. Things like greed, ego, lying, cheating, stealing, etc will be far less popular

Next week we’ll talk about how to speed up this time line! In the meantime, think about where you are in your life, are you truly happy? Please feel free to comment and/or share this site with others. If you were to go back and review this site from it’s origin you would most likely be scared at how accurate it has been. Hopefully, you would then feel anxious to share it with those you care about! Want more information on how you can make a difference? Send an email to and simply request a time to speak so that you can make a difference!