Tuesday, February 24, 2009

So where are we . . . really?

About a week ago an article was posted “How we got here.” So where is here? I’m glad you asked. Please consider what it means if any or all of the following are real, true, valid and accurate. I believe they all are.

As a nation we have borrowed every penny the world will lend us, now other countries no longer want to extend us credit or buy our debt. What will that mean when we need money to “fund our recovery?”

We are almost to a point where we can no longer fund the interest payments on the money we have borrowed from the rest of the world. What will they do when we can’t pay them what we owe them?

Throughout history, wars have often been fought to distract the masses from other realities and / or in hopes that they would stimulate an economy. Do you see the US potentially getting involved in any wars for reasons like this?

We are printing, or creating, new money faster than we ever have. What will happen when the supply of US dollars is so huge that others no longer see value in it?

We have more and more people realizing that they are paying for other people’s poor choices. What happens when the responsible people who are so far footing the bill for the greed and ignorance of others have had enough?

We have an enormous number of people getting very close to collecting their retirement incomes. What happens when the people and companies they entrusted to protect their retirement savings have to come clean and acknowledge that those dollars were invested in things, which while “guaranteed” and “AAA rated,” simply are worthless today? What happens when more money starts being requested from these retirement pools each month than is available? What will people do when they don’t get their checks each month?

We have had the National Guard significantly increase exercises designed to extinguish domestic rioting. Why? Do you think that when retirees don’t get their checks there might be some unhappy people? Do you think that if they eventually get their checks for a few hundred dollars each month only to find themselves in a hyper inflation economy where that few hundred dollars barely buys them a happy meal they will be very happy?

We have almost an infinite number of people and solutions being presented to fix our national, and to some extent the global economy. What will happen when more and more people realize that nothing is being fixed? And that these “bailouts” are only lining the pockets of a very select few and aren’t accomplishing anything other than to make the situation worse?

We are seeing credit tighten; it is becoming more and more difficult to borrow money and to become highly leveraged. What will happen when 20% - 30% - or maybe even 50% is required as an actual down payment to buy real estate? How many people will actually be able to buy? What will happen to prices with that small number of potential buyers?

We are at a point of high unemployment, far higher than government reports (are you suggesting that the government might stretch the truth?) When more and more people are out of work, what will they do? How will things change? Will they eat cheaper foods (junk foods and fast foods?) Will they drink more to drown their sorrows? Will they smoke more and participate in more vices at higher and higher levels? What will that do to their health? If they are out of work who will pay their health care bills?

We are rapidly approaching a point where more and more people realize that what’s done is done, the die has in fact been cast for decades, and now many will feel as if nothing matters. What will that do to crime rates? Suicide rates? Drop out rates? Teen pregnancy rates? Addictions and so on?

Are you aware of any of this around you right now, today? What are you doing to help? How are you making the situation better? Where does it start? Are you leading by example? Are you focused on finding someone to help today? Can you truly help anyone without having first helped yourself? When you are able to help others, and you make the effort to truly matter and make a difference to and for others, what happens to your life? When, now, would you like more of that to happen?

Are you on track? Don’t know where to start? Go to www.allthebluewhales.com and take a look at the FAQ’s and info on the 7 equities. Or you could remain part of the masses. What was the quote about the masses published in the article on how we got here? Pass this on, share it with those you care about, cause them to think, to ask questions and to make a difference.