Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Russian Perspective . . .

Russia has 2 primary periodicals, one is primarily propaganda, the other tends to be far more realistic. Pravda, the non propaganda periodical ran the following article a couple of months ago. I had lunch recently with a Sr Professor of Accounting and Finance at Pepperdine University. He shared this article with me and asked for my perspective. I commented that I felt it was probably a very fair and reasonable perspective of what is, has been and will be occurring here in the United States. He concurred. I suppose this will provide even more material for one of my future books “I remember when the States of America were United.” I found it ironic that a country half a world away, who has themselves recently gone through revolution and economic collapse, can so clearly see what we here in the United States refuse to see. Fortunately, for Dr Kinsman’s students, there are still a small handful of people in this country who actually think for themselves . . . are you one of them?

To access the article click on title above or cut and paste below
